SQUARE is an integrated suicide prevention resource designed to help community members and professionals respond appropriately and effectively to people who are at risk of suicide We provide training for professionals, in therapeutic engagement, risk assessment and safety planning for people presenting with suicide risk.
Active Prevention
Suicide is a significant public health problem in Australia. SQUARE helps health professionals take an active approach to suicide prevention.

RASA provides tailored training programs for professionals, including information and practical tools to develop their skills in therapeutic engagement, risk assessment and safety planning for people presenting with suicide risk.
Integrated Resource
SQUARE is an integrated suicide prevention resource developed by General Practice SA and Relationships Australia SA in conjunction with the Federal and State Governments.

Effective engagement is the single most important response that you can offer a person who may be at risk of suicide or self harm. The engagement process includes noticing someone may be at risk, engaging the person in conversation about how they are feeling, validating them and encouraging them to get professional help.

Risk Assessment
The purpose of risk assessment is to support safety planning and reduction in suicide risk.
Risk assessment is not an exact science, as risk is likely to involve many aspects and may change quickly.
A holistic approach, considering the complex range of factors, meanings and experiences that constitute a person’s world, is likely to be most effective. The more comprehensive the assessment is, the more valid it is likely to be.
Risk assessment may include discussing the person’s suicidal thoughts, desires, plans and behaviours (both current and historical), their unique set of risk and protective factors, and the supports available to them.

Risk Management and Safety Planning
Good risk management is grounded in effective engagement. It involves attending to safety, addressing underlying issues and ensuring continuity of care for the person.
Although multiple options and pathways of care may be used, effective managers stay up to date with the person’s progress and current and changing needs.
Effective safety planning involves tailoring interventions to the person’s needs and circumstances in consultation with them, and communicating and collaborating effectively with others who need to be involved.

Professional Resources
How Can We Support You
For industry professionals, including family law practitioners, counsellors, psychologists and social workers.

Australian Institute of Social Relations
The Australian Institute of Social Relations (RTO 102358) is the training division of Relationships Australia SA. We provide high-quality, accessible and cost-effective community services training for new and experienced learners.

Family Doors
An evidence-based universal screening framework for keeping families safe. The tool can be used by all helping professionals, including family law practitioners, counsellors, psychologists and social workers.

My Safety Planner
My Safety Planner is an online tool to help community members and professionals support young people to develop a plan for when they may be thinking about suicide or self-harm.