Who It's For
Parents and caregivers on their journey raising children. Available in the Western suburbs and Riverland.
How We Help
Our team walks alongside parents and caregivers on their journey in raising healthy children, and provides opportunities to build stronger connections to their family, friends and community.
What to Expect
You can attend groups, one to one sessions and family sessions. We can meet with you via outreach, in person, at school or via telehealth.
How We Help:

“Have really benefited from the practitioner’s approach - puts the onus back on the client rather than providing solutions. Works with client rather than pretending they have all of the answers. Enables the client to ‘dig deep’ & develop a scaffolding for coming to grips with long standing issues.”
Client, Snapshot Survey 2022

"I have struggled for a long time and have hard time moving from where I am and now, I see there are other ways to manage myself in a safer way. (The counsellor) is a fantastic counsellor because if I am finding I’m not understanding she can rephrase it, extend, and example it then I can understand. I need visuals and so prefer face-to-face appointments but just knowing that when I have phone appointments she leads with visual conversations and referring back to past visuals for my support.”
Client, Snapshot Survey 2022

"(The counsellor) has been wonderful to work with. He is empathic, listens brilliantly and offers helpful advice in a kind manner. He has changed some of my unkindly thoughts I had of myself, and I feel like there may just be a light at the end of this very dark tunnel. Thank you.”
Client, Snapshot Survey 2022

Funding Acknowledgement
Children and Parenting Support is funded by the Government Department of Social Services.