Naa Marni Niipurna

Hello Friends

Our understanding of relationships is inspired and informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s knowledge and practice that sees all things as interrelated.


Kaurna Land spans from Crystal Brook in the north. Cape Jervois in the south, the Adelaide hills in the east and waters in the west. Kaurna land borders Nukunu, Ngarrindjeri, Peramangk, Narungga and Ngadjuri. The term ‘Kaurna’ likely finds 
it’s roots from the neighbouring Ramindjeri/Ngarrindjeri language, showing the closeness between Aboriginal lands.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands of the Kaurna People and we respect and support their Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional relationship with their Country.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands
of the Kaurna People
and we respect and support their
Spiritual, Physical,
Intellectual and Emotional
relationship with their Country.

Our understanding of relationships is inspired and informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s knowledge and practice that sees all things as interrelated.


Peramangk country extends from the foothills above the Adelaide Plains, north from Mount Barker through Harrogate, Gumeracha, Mount Pleasant, and Springton to the Angaston and Gawler districts in the Barossa, and south to Strathalbyn and Myponga on 
the Fleurieu Peninsula. There are also sites along the River Murray to the east where Peramangk people had access to the river. “Peramangk” is a combination of words ‘Pera’ – place on the tiered range of mount lofty and ‘Maingker’ – red ochre skin warrior.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands of the Peramangk People
and we respect and support their Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional relationship with their Country.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands
of the Peramangk People
and we respect and support their
Spiritual, Physical,
Intellectual and Emotional
relationship with their Country.

Our understanding of relationships is inspired and informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s knowledge and practice that sees all things as interrelated.


Erawirung refers to the Yirawirung and Jirawirung people whose lands are located on the upper reaches of the Murray River in the Berri Riverland. The Riverland also refers to areas surrounding such as: Ngaiawang, Ngawait, Nganguruku, Ngintait, Ngaralte, Ngarkat and small parts of Maraura and Daanggali.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands of the Erawirung People and we respect and support their Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional relationship with their Country.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands
of the Erawirung People
and we respect and support their
Spiritual, Physical,
Intellectual and Emotional
relationship with their Country.

Our understanding of relationships is inspired and informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s knowledge and practice that sees all things as interrelated.


Boandik country is located in the Mount Gambier region. “Boandik” or “Bunganditji” means ‘People of the Reeds’.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands of the Boandik People and we respect and support their Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional relationship with their Country.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands
of the Boandik People
and we respect and support their
Spiritual, Physical,
Intellectual and Emotional
relationship with their Country.

Our understanding of relationships is inspired and informed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s knowledge and practice that sees all things as interrelated.


Kurdnatta country is located in the Port Augusta region. This area also includes the lands of the Barngarla and Nukunu people. “Kurdnatta” means ‘Place of Drifting Sand’.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands of the Kurdnatta People and we respect and support their Spiritual, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional relationship with their Country.

We acknowledge the Traditional Lands
of the Kurdnatta People
and we respect and support their
Spiritual, Physical,
Intellectual and Emotional
relationship with their Country.


We come together as RASA, a not-for-profit organisation that exists on the lands of Kaurna . Tarntanya . Kuntu . Yartapuulti . Warraparinga . Para Wirra . Peramangk . Erawirung . Boandik . Kurdnatta .

RASA recognises the world’s oldest continuous living culture. For more than 65,000 years the original custodians welcomed all people to their Lands. They taught us responsibility, reciprocity and connections to these lands, knowing we are all visitors to these places that we live, work, and enjoy.

We acknowledge the importance of knowing these countries, to recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their Elders, their communities, their stories. When we learn about Country we recognise the care for the lands, skies, waters, plants, and animals that has always been a part of Aboriginal cultures.

We come together as RASA,
a not-for-profit organisation that
exists on the lands of
Kaurna . Tarntanya . Kuntu .
Yartapuulti . Warraparinga .
Para Wirra . Peramangk . Erawirung .
Boandik . Kurdnatta .

RASA recognises the world’s oldest
continuous living culture. For more
than 65,000 years the original
custodians welcomed all people to
their Lands. They taught us
responsibility, reciprocity and
connections to these lands,
knowing we are all visitors to these
places that we live, work, and enjoy.

We acknowledge the importance of
knowing these countries, to recognise
the Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people, their Elders,
their communities, their stories.
When we learn about Country we
recognise the care for the lands,
skies, waters, plants, and animals
that has always been a part of
Aboriginal cultures.

We are conscious of our privilege to be here, doing the work that we do.
We understand that this privilege comes from the ongoing violation of these
lands which continues to harm Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's

relationships, health, wellbeing and aspirations.

RASA embraces the opportunity to learn from the knowledge and wisdom of First Nations peoples. The knowledge and wisdom we absorb inspires us to work restoratively,
with open-mindedness and holistically, to foster meaningful change in future lives.

We believe that walking in harmony depends on our ability as an organisation to listen, appreciate, collaborate, learn, and speak up.

We are conscious of our privilege to
be here, doing the work that we do.
We understand that this privilege
comes from the ongoing violation
of these lands which continues to
harm Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander people's relationships,
health, wellbeing and aspirations.

RASA embraces the opportunity to
learn from the knowledge and
wisdom of First Nations peoples.
The knowledge and wisdom we
absorb inspires us to work
restoratively, with open-mindedness
and holistically, to foster meaningful
change in future lives.

We believe that walking in harmony
depends on our ability as an
organisation to listen, appreciate,
collaborate, learn, and speak up.

This is, was and always will be, Aboriginal land, water and songlines.

This is, was and always will be,
Aboriginal land, water and songlines.

Strategic Direction

Strategic Direction

We Believe in the Transformative Power of Human Relationships

Our Purpose

We help people:

Woman consoling a man.
Two young men talking to an older an in public space.

Build robust relationships that nurture trust, strengthen resilience and generate optimism for the future.

Recover from adverse experiences and trauma.

Create cultural respect, social cohesion and inclusive communities.

Our Goals


Improve Individual, Family + Community Wellbeing


Educate to Transform Social Relationships


Enable a Thriving Workplace Culture


Strengthen Organisational Capacity


Contribute to a Better World

Step 01


Improve Individual Family + Community Wellbeing ​

Family of four at the beach.

What We'll Achieve

  • Individuals, couples, families and communities receive holistic accessible, tailored services that strengthen their safety and wellbeing.
  • People nurture positive and trusting relationships.
  • People overcome harmful behaviours and the impact of trauma.
  • Children and young people flourish and manage life transitions.

How We'll Do It

We will do with, not to or for our clients; think children and young people; focus on cultural identity and community belonging; strengthen safety; support repair and recovery; ensure holistic screening and data hygiene and foster a developmental lens across all our services.

How We'll Know We have Made a Difference

  • Our services are accessible to diverse communities and individuals.
  • We enable joined up services.
  • Client safety and wellbeing are enhanced.
  • Client relationships and parenting capacity are strengthened.
  • Clients are satisfied with our services.

Step 02


Educate to Transform Social Relationship

Three women meeting together talking with notes.

What We'll Achieve

  • Diverse individuals and communities learn the skills to grow strong and trusting relationships.
  • A well-educated human services workforce expands their understanding, and builds skills for effective practice.
  • People acquire a love of learning that enables vibrant social, cultural and economic participation.

How We'll Do It

We will provide training that increases human service industry skills; educate for social justice; educate our learners by working with learners, not doing to or for; tailor training to each student; deliver culturally relevant education that promotes community belonging; develop interpersonal skills education that nurtures safe and trusting relationships.

How We'll Know We have Made a Difference

  • The wisdom gained from lived experience informs our learning program content.
  • Our training and professional development is informed by current research.
  • Qualifications align to current and future work realities.
  • NRT is accessible to disadvantaged learners.
  • Disadvantaged learners are supported to succeed.

Step 03


Enable a Thriving Workplacce + Culture

Three RASA staff together at an event.

What We'll Achieve

  • Our workplace is diverse.
  • Our workplace nurtures trust and safety, enabling respect for difference and by using disagreements as a springboard for creativity.
  • People undertake meaningful work that makes a difference.
  • Our people understand and take pride in their contribution to the wellbeing of the people and communities we work with.

How We'll Do It

We will actively develop and ‘live’ RASA values and culture; grow our workforce capability; support staff wellbeing and improve the efficiency of people systems and processes.

How We'll Know We have Made a Difference

  • Our workforce is rich in diversity and feel connected to our values and live them every day.
  • Our people are strengthened, developed and celebrated through the experience of working with us.
  • Ongoing and strategically relevant professional development is provided to RASA people.
  • People receive feedback about the effectiveness of our services including client responses.
  • Evidence from current research about our best practice is made available to RASA staff.

Step 04


Strengthen Organisational Capacity

Looking up at tree tops.

What We'll Achieve

  • Clearly articulated operational principles and frameworks underpin all service delivery.
  • Risk is managed effectively to ensure business continuity including risks related to cybersecurity threats and public health emergencies.
  • Financial sustainability and organisational efficiency enable quality services.

How We'll Do It

We will ensure that RASA is financially robust, maximises opportunities and meets challenges; measure and report on our activities, using data for decision-making and continuous improvement; manage assets to support service operations and client satisfaction and ensure ICT systems add value and can expand to meet changing requirements.

How We'll Know We have Made a Difference

  • Business continuity plans are realistic to ensure we can manage all risks optimally.
  • Resources and assets are well managed and ensure ongoing sustainability.

Step 05


Contribute To a Better World

Many people sitting in a park on the grass in late afternoon sunlight.

What We'll Achieve

  • Our negative impact on the environment is minimised.
  • Our partnerships have a collective impact that benefit clients and our community.
  • Social policy, service delivery and sector development are improved by our contributions.

How We'll Do It

We will demonstrate corporate, social and environmental responsibility; influence social policy and contribute to sector wide service improvements and efficiencies.

How We'll Know We have Made a Difference

  • We measure and reduce our environmental footprint.
  • We have effective and trusted partnerships with relevant government and sector agencies.
  • We contribute to research about effective service delivery.
  • We contribute to innovation in service delivery.

Our relationships can elevate our lives.



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