About Our Application Process
We welcome your enquiry about a position at Relationships Australia SA and provide this information to ensure that you are well informed about the appointment process. Please feel free to contact the nominated person to obtain information about the position or clarify any queries in relation to the application process.
Application Information
We recognise that finding the right match between each person and their job and place of employment is important, for both the person and the Agency. Job descriptions alone do not communicate information about the Agency and the work. Sources of additional information are provided here, and you can also contact the nominated contact person in the advertisement if you would like further information about the specific position.
Advertised positions are open for applications from both external applicants and existing employees. Each position has a job description which applicants must typically address in their applications, together with the names of referees. A Selection Panel chaired by a Leader, considers the applications and creates a short list of people to be interviewed.
If you apply via the website Seek, you will receive an email with a link to answer some role-specific screening questions. If you do not answer those questions, your application will not be complete and we may not consider your application.
If you require technical support with lodging your application or answering screening questions, please phone + 61 7 3330 2595 or e-mail support@scouterecruit.com.
Short Listed Applicants
Short listed applicants will be contacted to arrange an interview time. They will also be required to complete an Additional Information Form. We recognise that these forms request some very personal information and for this reason they are only required to be completed by applicants who have been short listed. The forms are to be completed before attending the interview.
Many positions specify essential qualifications and in recent years it has become important for proof of qualifications to be part of the application process. If you are short listed, you will need to bring the following to your interview:
• original qualification papers
• photocopy of those qualification papers to be left with the Chairperson of the Selection Panel.
If you do not have copies of your qualifications, we recommend that you immediately start collecting them whilst your application is being processed.
Police Screening
New employees of Relationships Australia SA are required to have a National Police Certificate which is less than 6 months old.
- If you have a National Police Certificate which is less than 6 months old, please bring the original plus a photocopy of it to your interview.
- If you do not have a National Police Certificate which is less than 6 months old, short listed applicants will be required to complete a form to be processed by Relationships Australia (SA) and the national checking company we use. Short listed applicants will be provided with this form and information before the interview.
Applicants will be required to provide identification in order for this form to be processed. Information about acceptable identification will be provided with this form.
Risk Assessment
Following the interview process, referee and police checks will be processed. In the event that a person has a criminal conviction or court record we are required to undertake a risk assessment. This involves Relationships Australia SA taking into consideration a number of factors including:
• when the conviction occurred
• type of conviction
• whether the conviction has any relevance to the position.
We recognise that many people have offences which do not relate to their work and we seek to ensure that this process is undertaken with the utmost confidentiality and respect.
Post Interview
Short listed applicants will be contacted by the Chairperson to indicate if they have been successful or unsuccessful in their application for the position. Forms completed by unsuccessful applicants will be destroyed at this time.

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